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Day 1 – It’s Time!

Writer's picture: CrosswindsCrosswinds

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)

Have you ever felt like you were destined for greatness; like all that is in you will well up in your soul, and you feel you might explode? I’m not talking about doing great things on your own but doing the things that the Lord has laid on your heart. There have been times that my mind has just gone on and on about the wonderful things that I might help accomplish. Idea after idea comes to the forefront of my mind, consuming my thoughts. I get so excited and I feel I can do anything.

Unfortunately, to this day, they have only been dreams, hopes, and aspirations. I often wonder why nothing has come of them, but today it dawned on me as to why. How can you accomplish anything at all worth doing if you are not obedient to the Lord? It is only by His strength that any of it is worth doing. I realized I was living day to day not really getting anywhere. Not only is my life a hectic mess, but my dreams are fading away with the hum drum of life.

We are called to be extraordinary people. All I have become is ordinary, just barely making it week to week. Oh, I work hard. It has been said that I am even an exemplary employee, but, I know for a fact that the time and effort I put into work is not equal to my time at home, to the family, or even to the Lord. I feel I deserve a break after a long hard day, so I put my duties as a wife and mother aside to have a little “veg time” in front of the tube.

I truly believe we are to sacrifice our “veg time” when it really matters. God is more important than that. Maybe it is just me, but I see our “Christian Society” as lacking. We are getting sucked into the world’s standard of excuses of being tired or too busy. It’s no wonder we aren’t accomplishing great things, we can barely manage our busy schedules.

I say, it’s time! My time to make a stand, to make a difference in the world! Even if it’s just in my family and my church, one person will affect another and soon it will make a difference. It’s time to turn off the television, and pick up the Bible. Hang up the phone, and talk to your children. Close the day planner, and spend time with your family. You deserve it! God deserves it. I think that once we start making those little sacrifices, day by day, we will see dreams beyond our wildest imagination come true.

Father God, I thank you for my calling to greatness.  I repent for allowing distractions to keep me from pressing in to the vision you have wanted to give me for my life.  I choose to yield my body in worship so I may be transformed into Your image, that I may accomplish Your perfect will.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.

— Heather May

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